LOLER Inspections

Why choose us for LOLER inspections?

We undertake LOLER Inspections on all types and make of lifting equipment, including specialist lifting systems, throughout the UK.

All our engineer surveyors are competent to act as your Competent Person. They undertake all inspections following our in-house procedures, Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS).

Highly Trained Engineers

Professional, Impartial Advice

Quick Response

Competitive Pricing

What is LOLER?

LOLER is the acronym for the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. LOLER was developed to establish a safer workplace for all those who use or come into contact with lifting equipment.

What are LOLER Inspections?

A Thorough Examination carried out under LOLER is frequently referred to as a LOLER inspection. Employers and businesses are responsible for ensuring that all lifting equipment is appropriate for the task at hand, safe to use, and suitable for the intended use. LOLER Inspections are a crucial component of the regulations.

What does a LOLER Inspection include?

It is a systematic and detailed examination of the equipment and safety-critical parts. A Competent Person must undertake the inspections at specified intervals and then complete a written report of their findings.

The report should identify any defects found during the inspection in a way that is easy for the maintenance/repair person to understand. Therefore, it should not become cluttered with tick boxes for each part of the equipment inspected.

By signing the report, the Competent Person certifies they know what needs inspecting, and they have done so.

LOLER Inspections - Forklift Truck Inspections
Forklift Truck

What equipment does LOLER cover?

Lifting equipment is any work equipment used to lift or lower loads. It includes any accessories used with lifting appliances during lifting and lowering loads. Therefore, attachments to support, fix or anchor the lifting appliance such as runway beams are also classed as lifting equipment.

LOLER Inspections - Mobile Crane Inspections
Mobile Crane

How often should the LOLER inspection take place?

A Competent Person should inspect any lifting equipment and associated accessories used to lift a person or persons every six months.


Every six months, a Competent Person should inspect any lifting accessories that are detachable from the lifting appliance.


Your Competent Person should inspect all other lifting equipment no later than twelve months after the previous inspection.

Who is the Competent Person?

The person undertaking the LOLER inspection does so acting as the Competent Person. They should have appropriate practical and theoretical knowledge and experience of the equipment they are inspecting to enable them to detect defects or weaknesses and to assess their importance in relation to the safety and continued use of the lifting equipment.

Is there further guidance?

The HSE has produced an Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and guidance for the safe use of lifting equipment. It clarifies what equipment is subject to the provisions of the LOLER regulations and details the role of the Competent Person.

You can download a free copy of the ACOP from the HSE website by clicking here.

LOLER Inspections - Working Platform Inspections
Working Platform