Passenger Lift Inspections

Why choose us for Passenger Lift Inspections?

We undertake LOLER inspections on all types of lifts including Passenger, Combined Passenger/Goods, Goods Only, Stair Lifts, Disable Access Platforms, and Service Lifts (Dumb Waiters), throughout the UK

All our engineer surveyors are competent to act as your Competent Person. They undertake all inspections following our in-house procedures, Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS).

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Does LOLER apply to all Passenger Lifts?

LOLER applies to all lifts in workplaces (e.g., offices and factories) which are primarily used by people at work. This includes Passenger, Combined Passenger/Goods, Goods Only, Disabled Access Platforms, Stair Lifts, and even Service Lifts. As such, they are subject to periodic thorough examinations, often referred to as LOLER inspections.

Does LOLER apply to Passenger Lifts used by people who are not at work?

LOLER may not apply where a passenger lift is primarily used by the public. Examples include passenger lifts in shopping centres, car parks, multi-occupancy office blocks, residential blocks, etc. It also applies to lifts provided for disabled access to such places as shops, pubs and restaurants. However, in our opinion, all lifts should undergo LOLER inspections by a Competent Person and here’s why.

Buttons inside Lifts
Lift Buttons

HSE Passenger Lifts Guidance

The HSE recognise there are lifts that are not subject to LOLER. They even say so in guidance they provide for both LOLER and Passenger lifts. However, they go on to say if you provide a lift in connection with your business you still have some responsibility for the health and safety of people you don’t employ. This includes members of the public who use the lift and people who may work on or inspect the lift. They add that as the risks may be the same as when using lifts that are subject to LOLER, a similar regime of maintenance, inspection and examination to that required under LOLER and PUWER may be entirely reasonably practicable in managing the risks. 

Passenger Lifts Well
Lift Shaft

What does this mean?

It means the HSE consider the risk posed to the public by poorly a maintained lift that is not subject to LOLER to be just as great as it is to employees by a poorly maintained work lift that is subject to LOLER. Therefore, their guidance is if you operate, or to some extent control a lift in connection to your business you should apply the LOLER regulations to the lift. This includes the lift undergoing periodic LOLER inspections.

Do I have to follow HSE guidance?

Well, no, guidance is just that, guidance. However, if you follow the guidance, it will normally be considered you are doing enough to comply with the law.

If you do not follow the guidance you may have to provide evidence to show how you are complying with the law and justify your decision.

This could be difficult to do if a defect that would have been detected during a LOLER inspection was determined to be the cause of an accident.

How often should lifts undergo LOLER Inspections?

Any lift used by a person or persons should undergo an inspection every 6 months.

Any lift not designed to carry a person can undergo an inspection every 12 months.

Who can perform inspections on passenger lifts?

A Competent Person as defined by the LOLER regulations should perform the inspection.

To enable them to act as Competent Person they should have the appropriate practical and theoretical knowledge and experience to enable them to detect defects or weaknesses and be able to assess their importance in relation to the safety and continued use of the lift.

They must also be sufficiently independent and impartial to enable them to make objective decisions and necessary recommendations arising from the inspection without fear or favour. Once complete, they must produce a report of their findings.

Open Passenger Lift Door
Lift Carriage
Health And Safety Executive

Where is the HSE guidance for passenger lifts?

To view the HSE Passenger lift guidance click here.

To view the HSE LOLER guidance regarding passenger lifts click here.